
Is the Aulani Luau Worth It? Breaking Down the Ka Wa’a Luau for Value

Most of my life I’ve pretty much been known for loving two things 1) Disney and 2) Hawaii. 

So when Disney built its Aulani Resort and Spa in Hawaii, it’s like they were building it just for ME. And it’s since become my home away from home. I mean really…Disney AND Hawaii. What could be better???

I’ve written quite a few posts about Aulani (read through my archives here), but this particular post is all about…THE LUAU.If there’s one question I get asked more often than most, it’s definitely about the best luau in Hawaii. So for the sake of my job, I end up going to a lot of luaus ; )

The Ka Wa’a Luau at Disney’s Aulani Resort doesn’t usually get mentioned in the first wave of “best luau on Oahu” recommendations with places like Paradise Cove, the Polynesian Cultural Center, and Chief’s, but I personally think it’s a major contender…for a certain niche.

It’s me…I’m the niche ; )

Just kidding, but I really do enjoy this overall luau experience more than most on Oahu. Yes, I’m a Disney person but I think what appeals to me about this luau is more the high class level of entertainment and product that Disney is famous for and less the mouse itself.

I’ll get more into the details later in this post, but basically despite obviously being geared towards kids and families, I think the Ka Wa’a Luau at Aulani is one of the more high end luau experiences on the island.

This post may contain some affiliate links, which means I’ll make a little money on anything you choose to purchase. But of course, I only recommend my absolute favorites to you. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Mousin’ Around possible.

Is the Aulani Luau Worth It?

On my last trip to Aulani, I reserved tickets for the Ka Wa’a Luau a few months in advance (you usually get better seat assignments the earlier you book) for myself, a couple of friends, and my five year old niece Maya.

I think the Ka Wa’a Luau is a classic example of what Disney does best: Instead of making kids feel welcome at an adult oriented experience, they manage to make a kid centered experience feel adult friendly, and it just ends up being…really fun.

Let’s start off with a full review so you know exactly what you’ll be experiencing and then I’ll tackle if I think the Aulani luau is worth it and also a comparison to the Paradise Cove Luau next door.

Aulani Luau Review

Location & Setting

The Ka Wa’a Luau is hosted at Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa in Ko Olina on the west side of Oahu. The luau is held a few nights a week on a beautiful lawn tucked away on the quiet side of the resort. Even though it’s a resort luau, nothing about it feels “temporary” like it’s something that’s set up and torn down every night. The stage, lighting and everything is high quality including actual tables and chairs, plates, utensils, etc. It seems like a funny thing to comment on but the overall feeling of this luau is just really high end and it’s things like this that help make that overall impression. There are no cheap folding chairs and white banquet tablecloths here.

Prices & Packages

There are two different tiers you can book for this luau:

General Seating: $175/adult ($104/child). Seating is assigned in the order that you check in at the podium.

Preferred Seating: $204/adult ($124/child). You can check in at the VIP entrance earlier and enter the grounds 10 minutes earlier than the general seating. Also, your priority seating is assigned when you book (not when you check in) so if you don’t care to arrive super early, you’ll still get the good seats for booking early. Preferred seating also includes a complimentary welcome photo.

BOTH packages include alcoholic beverages and leis.

Okay, so is preferred seating “worth it”? Normally I say no, but this luau is kind of different. It’s not so much the actual seating that’s worth the upgrade (it’s definitely better but I don’t normally find much value in a closer seat) but it’s the extra time you get to do the activities between the time the doors open and dinner is served.

So technically you only get a 10 minute head start if you’re in the preferred seating, BUT it seems like they start checking people in before then plus there’s fewer people so you pretty much get inside and are seated RIGHT at 5PM. Whereas if you’re in general seating, they start checking you in at 5:10 in the order that you’re standing in line and there’s a lot more people in general seating so if you show up late and you’re towards the end of the line, you could have thirty or so minutes less time inside to do the activities than the people in the preferred seating.

So really it comes down to…IF having time to do the pre show activities is important to you then either pay more for preferred seating OR be prepared to show up 30-60 minutes before the doors open to make sure you’re at the front of the line. It sounds kind of crazy, but remember this is a Disney luau and Disney fans/theme park travelers are used to doing research, planning in advance, and waiting in lines so it’s a little different than most luaus just because of the clientele.

Authentic or Cheesy?

I know a lot of people want an “authentic” luau. Well, here’s my first disclaimer: Any commercial luau (one that you pay to attend) is NOT going to be authentic. A luau in Hawaiian culture is similar to a backyard BBQ. Friends and family gathering to eat a big meal, hang out and visit, play games, sing songs (whatever you do at your family get togethers) and just spend time together. Commercial luaus have combined some special elements of Hawaiian culture (including hula dancing and a feasting on certain foods among others) into an event. It’s not a bad thing, but just don’t get too hung up on it being “authentic.”

I think what most people want when they say they want “authentic” is “not cheesy.”

Surprisingly (or not depending on what you know about Disney), this luau isn’t cheesy AT ALL. Even with a few Disney touches (I’ll get into those later), it never feels hokey. How do I determine that…? Not one eye roll from me the entire night! ; ) It’s a very high end event from the venue, the food, the entertainment, the show. It’s just all done so well.

For me, this luau feels like they acknowledge that it’s a commercial luau (instead of the host making speeches about you being “family” while you’re standing in line with 700 people for the buffet) but they’re committed to making it the most welcoming and quality experience they can.

And while there are a couple of opportunities for the kids to get involved in the show, it really cuts down on a lot of the cheesy crowd pandering that other luaus seem to depend on (I can’t be the only one who’s uncomfortable when Bob from Omaha is pulled up on stage to be basically given a lap dance by one of the hula dancers right???! – that’s 10/10 eye roll material for me).

***Want to save major $$$ on your trip to Hawaii? I get asked ALL the time how I’m able to travel so often to Hawaii and stay at really nice resorts. Well, my favorite travel hack is cashing in points to score free airfare and free nights at some of Hawaii’s most high end resorts. Read my full guide on the exact system I use to max out credit card rewards here. Seriously, it’s going to save you soooo much money.

Arrival & Pre Dinner Entertainment

We arrived at the luau grounds right about 5PM and got checked in. Despite this being my job, I literally did NO advance research so was totally unaware about the perk of the preferred seating, but we did see the long line on the other side of the grounds (for the general seating) and wondered why they were all over there haha. The ladies got a shell lei, the gentlemen a kukui nut lei, and Maya had the choice between a shell lei or a necklace with Maui’s fish hook (the first of surprisingly only a few “Disney” touches throughout the evening. If you’re not familiar, Maui’s fish hook is a big element in the movie Moana). She chose the necklace.

Next we were offered drinks before we were shown to our table. There was a special fruit punch (with straw and lid) for the kids, and some sort of blue coconut flavored alcoholic beverage for the adults. I wasn’t a fan, but I don’t usually think the welcome drinks at luaus are very good.

Our seats were literally as close to the stage as we could get so we set our stuff down and took a few photos in front of the stage.

Next, we scampered off to take part in all of the activities offered on the lawn! There was lei making, printing, ukulele lessons, poi pounding, and so much more. While I think this is set up as a nice diversion for the kids, adults are more than welcome to join in and plenty did! We made it to every station except the temporary tattoo one (which Maya wasn’t interested in it) by 6PM, which was when dinner was announced.

So if you’re keeping track, we entered at 5 and spent a solid HOUR doing the preshow activities and we didn’t feel super rushed but we also weren’t standing around with nothing to do.

In my opinion, this is one of the things that the Aulani luau excels at. Everything is included in your admission and it’s all run as well as you’d expect Disney to run it.

At 6, there was a little show where Moana came out to basically kick things off, but unfortunately we missed it because we were in the bathroom. Kids have the worst timing haha. One thing to note is that the nearest restrooms are at Ama Ama or Makahiki (the resort’s two restaurants) and they’re not super close. The restrooms aren’t completely inconvenient, but maybe try to time your trip so you don’t miss anything!

Food & Drinks

We made it back just in time to head up to the buffet (our table was one of the first to go up). Keep in mind that I attended this luau BEFORE COVID when it was still a buffet (check before you book to see if it’s still served Bento style or if it’s back to a buffet). The food at this luau was DELICIOUS. While they have a lot of traditional luau staples, they also have some more upscale options like prime rib. And I have to say, the flavors of the food tasted a lot better to my unsophisticated palate than other luaus I’ve been to where the food was more “traditional.”

For example…to the standard American taste buds, traditional Hawaiian food can taste kind of bland. A lot of luaus have a taro dish (I like to call it the purple mashed potatoes) and I’m not going to lie, it’s usually pretty bland (that’s how it’s traditionally prepared). But the Aulani version was dynamite and I’m going to assume that’s because it was loaded with butter, cream, and a little sugar. So it’s not that the food is necessarily more authentic, but they cater to their audience.

This luau also featured a separate kid friendly buffet with mac and cheese, pasta with red sauce, chicken tenders, and Moana cupcakes. While I’m sure this buffet was designed with kids in mind, there were more than a few adults (myself included!) who found the mac and cheese and chicken tenders too tempting to pass up! ***They’re currently offering kid friendly bento boxes instead of a kid specific buffet. Kids are still welcome to try things off the buffet and I’m betting adults are welcome to snag a box (or ask your server if you’d like something specific from the box served on a plate).

Overall, I would say Ka Wa’a had the best tasting food of any luau I’ve been to, although not necessarily the most traditional. Don’t get me wrong, most of the traditional luau foods were there (kalua pork, teriyaki chicken, fish, taro mashed potatoes, poke and seafood salads, etc.), but the flavors just seemed a little richer and more pleasing than at other places.

But also, this is a much smaller luau than most and the food is coming straight from the resort restaurant’s kitchens so it’s bound to be better than the mass produced places.

Dessert was also phenomenal (again, the best I’ve ever had at a luau). Unfortunately, the featured dessert was a banana bread pudding (I’m allergic to bananas) but it looked AMAZING. They also had guava cake (which if you know me, I get so excited about guava), brownies, and fresh fruit. And those Moana cupcakes from the kids table.

The Show

We finished up dinner just in time for the show to start. While some luaus often have an overarching story that weaves the dances together, this show really took it to the max. It felt like a high quality stage production (think Broadway) instead of a collection of dances.

The show is led by two “storytellers” who recount the journey across the seas to the Hawaiian Islands as well as settling the local land. There was a big emphasis on telling the story of Ewa (the part of the island that modern day Ko Olina is located on) as it relates to the storyteller’s ancestors. The show had emotional moments as well as a lot of participation for kids.

At one point, Mickey and Minnie came out to help teach the Aulani Hula to the kids (they were invited to come to the front of the stage), and there was another moment where some of the kids were given shakers and they stood up on one of the side stages during one of the dances.

***I’ll just pop my observation in here: Yes, Mickey, Minnie & Moana all make brief appearances, but this doesn’t feel like a “Mickey Mouse luau.” It’s a high quality production of authentic Polynesian dances and storytelling with a quick visit from the mouse.

Another unique aspect of this luau was that in addition to the main stage, there were a couple of smaller stages located further back so that no matter where you were sitting you had a good view.

The big highlight of the show (and the finale) was the fire dancers. They tied in a story about Maui fighting with the sun that all of the kids loved.

The Overall Experience

If you’ve got kids, this is THE luau to do on Oahu. It does have a few Disney elements (Moana, Mickey and Minnie make appearances as well as the tie ins of Maui), but I think even if you’re not a big Disney fan, it doesn’t detract from the overall experience.

One thing to note, there is no Imu ceremony (where they unearth the pig) at this luau, but they do have a whole pig displayed on one of the buffet tables (which I haven’t seen at a luau before).

I missed out on this memo (probably what happens when you’re wrangling a kid and managing bathroom visits) but apparently the preferred seating also included drink service at the table whereas general seating had to go to the bar.

And like I mentioned before, general seating is assigned first come first serve so the people who get there early and wait in line not only get more time to do the preshow activities but also better seats.

You don’t have to be an Aulani resort guest to attend the luau, and up to five hours of parking is provided.

There is usually some luau specific merchandise in the resort’s gift shop which is fun.

The luau isn’t offered every night (I think it’s usually offered three nights a week), so plan accordingly.

Is the Aulani Luau Worth It?

The big question! IS THE AULANI LUAU WORTH IT???!

My general answer when people ask me if something is worth it is…if you’ve done a moderate amount of research into what you’re getting (if you’ve read this post I think you can check that box) and you’re still questioning it…it’s probably a no…for you.

If the thought of paying $650 for 2 adults and 2 kids to attend this 3ish hour event makes you feel physically ill, go with your gut. You can do a LOT with that kind of money and maybe there’s something else your family would enjoy more.

But if you’re wondering if the Aulani luau is worth it specifically compared to other luaus, then that I can help you with!

Luaus have gotten EXPENSIVE lately. Is the Aulani luau more expensive than some other options on Oahu? Yes. Is it double the price? No.

So if you’ve already set on committing some money for a luau, it’s just a question of should you spend a little more for the Aulani luau.

Aulani’s cheapest luau ticket is $175/adult ($104/child). Some comparable entry level tickets to other popular luaus:

Paradise Cove: $150/adult ($110/child)

Polynesian Cultural Center: $185/adult ($140/child) for the package that also includes access to the island villages for the day

Experience Nutridge: $159/adult ($100/child)

Chief’s Luau: $165/adult

Germaine’s Luau: $120/adult

I’ve been to several of these other luaus (although a couple are on my “don’t go” list) and can definitely say that none of them feel as nice as the Aulani Luau.

If you have little kids (let’s say under 10), if you’re a Disney person, if you value a nicer experience, if you’re staying at Aulani (or in Ko Olina), and if you want the best food and show, I would give the edge to Aulani over all of these other luaus.

Side Note: If you’re looking for a rental car for your trip, I LOVE Discount Hawaii Car Rentals. They’re seriously the only company I ever use. They’ll give you the very best prices, you don’t have to reserve with a credit card or pay until you show up, you can cancel and re-book anytime if you find a better rate, and they usually have a special that adds additional drivers for no fee. It’s a no brainer. Click here to check rates for your trip.

Aulani Luau vs Paradise Cove

This is another big question. The Paradise Cove Luau is highly regarded as the best luau on Oahu, and it’s right down the street from Aulani so the question is how do they compare.

Honestly, they don’t compare at all.

Paradise Cove is a HUGE luau (like 700+ people per night) and it checks all of the boxes that most tourists want (hula lessons, unearthing of the pig, etc.) plus it’s right on the beach.

However, I find it to be pretty cheesy at times (I’ve rolled my eyes more than a few times there haha).

I will say, even with the Disney touches, Ka Wa’a isn’t cheesy at all. It never feels hokey.

Both luaus are definitely kid friendly/oriented but I think Ka Wa’a is better for smaller kids (and adults who want a nicer experience) whereas Paradise Cove may be more attractive for older kids/teens. There’s a LOT going on there.

The Aulani luau is way more laid back and feels a bit like a high end backyard party whereas Paradise Cove definitely caters to the masses and you’ll definitely feel like cattle being herded from one spot to the next (but in a lovely setting!).

You’ll love the Aulani luau if…

You love Disney for their high quality level of entertainment and production.

You want good food.

You like things a little more laid back.

You’ve got kids (especially 9 and under).

You might not like the Aulani luau if…

You want a luau with the whole 9 yards including an emu ceremony (unearthing of the pig)

You like corny jokes and a lot of crowd involvement (especially for adults).

You’re super budget conscious.

When to book

I recommend making reservations for this luau as soon as you know your dates so you don’t miss out. You can book your tickets in advance right here.

Want to read more posts about Aulani? I’ve got plenty!

Everything You Need to Know about Aulani (Start Here)

Is Aulani Worth It? 

How Many Days to Spend at Aulani? 

Aulani Character Schedule

Aulani Luau Review

Best Restaurants Near Aulani

Things to Do Near Aulani

P.S. If you want to follow along on my travel adventures in real time, you can follow me on Instagram (@caitylincoln). My post captions are full of travel tips and I have a ton of story highlights and videos with great info. And share my account with your travel loving friends! Your support really helps me keep this blog running!